TOPNEWSGuidance for New International Students

Guidance for New International Students


The Tokushima University International Office offered guidance for new international students on October 18 (Thursday) and October 25 (Thursday). The guidance for new international students held twice a year is intended to give the international students who are enrolling in Tokushima University a better understanding of their status of residence, traffic rules, disaster prevention and other important matters for living in Japan.
In the guidance, faculty of the International Office gave advice on student life and daily life in Japan, and invited speakers from the Tokushima Central Police Station talked about disaster prevention and traffic safety. In particular, as preparation for the massive Nankai Trough earthquake which is thought with certainty will occur in the near future, earthquake early warnings and how to evacuate in an earthquake were explained in detail. The students listened with a serious air.


Last updated: 2018-11-02