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Impression of the laboratory from a graduate student

Undergraduate and graduate students can discuss each student’s research focus during seminars at our laboratory. We are all interested in the same field of study, but are of different ages and have different nursing and research careers. Therefore, we can deepen our knowledge and research competence with relationships between and among teachers and students.

Our teachers, Drs. Tanioka and Yasuhara give us proper guidance in order to advance research and write scientific manuscripts. We have the chance to present research study outcomes at national and international conferences or submit our manuscripts to key disciplinary, scientific, and academic journals in the English-language. You can see the various research foci, their results, and publications in our laboratory.

Teachers and senior graduate students lead us to attain certain accomplishments when faced with challenges in our research.

Sometimes we hold dinner parties to encourage socialization, sharing interesting observations which often lead to productive research projects. Our laboratory is a collegial place where we can grow as researchers and respectable persons.