
 本分野では、内分泌代謝疾患や代謝性骨疾患ならびに腎疾患における病態解明や新規治療標的となる分子に焦点を当てて研究を展開している。具体的には遺伝子改変マウスモデルの解析および臨床研究を融合し、1) 代謝性骨疾患における病態の解明と新規治療法の開発、2) メタボリック症候群/糖尿病と骨粗鬆症の連関、3) 骨脆弱性をきたすホルモンおよびCa/P代謝異常、4)腎疾患における病態の解明と新規治療法の開発について検討を進めている。

 Our department focuses on the areas of endocrine disorders, metabolic bone diseases and nephropathy. Our research goal is elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of these disorders as well as development of molecular-targeted therapy against these diseases by using translational and clinical research methods. We have the following research project. 1) Analysis molecular mechanisms and development of newly therapeutic methods for metabolic bone diseases. 2) Elucidation of the pathological interplay between metabolic syndrome/diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis. 3) Clarification of the pathophysiology of bone fragility depends on dysfunction of endocrine system and/or abnormal calcium/phosphate metabolism. 4)Analysis molecular mechanisms and development of newly therapeutic methods for nephropathy.
