
進路選択セルフ・エフィカシーからみた大学教員によるキャリア・カウンセリングの研究 -"ケース&ワークブック"開発のための予備的研究-(10MB)
A study of career counseling by university teachers focusing on career decision-making self-efficacy : A preparatory study to develop a workbook "Case & Workbook"

楠奥繁則  (立命館大学文学部非常勤講師)


(Key words:career decision-making self-efficacy,career counseling,counselor-free counseling,career indecision,Case&Workbook)

地域高齢者との福祉体験学習の教育効果と地域貢献事業としての評価 (5MB)
Educational effects by the welfare-experience learning program with aged people in community, and its evaluation as regional contribution


(Key words:experience learning,regional contribution,educational effects)
Aim at the class improvement which students actively take part in

坪井泰士,松本高志  (阿南工業高等専門学校)

(Key words:internal motivation,class improvement,FD,student survey)
学生の学習動機をもとにしたFDの構築に関する考察 -学生の授業外学習を促す要因に注目して-(6MB)
Examining Faculty Development programs based on student learning motivation : Considering factors encouraging student learning outside the classroom

吉田博,金西計英  (徳島大学大学開放実践センター)
Steve T. FUKUDA (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)
戸川聡       (四国大学経営情報学部)

(Key words:learning time outside the classroom,factors encouraging learning outside the classroom,campus-wide Faculty Development programs at The University of Tokushima)
Current situation of the evaluation of lecturers' performance in national universities : based on the analysis of the results of questionnaire surveys

岩崎保道     (琉球大学大学評価センター)

(Key words:National universities,evaluation of lecturers'performance,Higher education,questionnaire surveys)
Current state of staff evaluation in National Universities

岩崎保道     (琉球大学大学評価センター)

(Key words:National Universities,Staff evaluation,Higher education,a survey)
Aboard the "Hanbada" : An international experience in higher education, communication and culture

Walter Carpenter,Pankaj Koinkar (徳島大学先端技術科学教育部国際連携教育開発センター)

(Key words:Symposium,international cooperation,invited talks,poster presentation)
実例による異文化コミュニケーションの問題分析 -青島理工大学と徳島大学とのインターネット交流を中心に-(5MB)
A multiple analysis of an issue of intercultural communication : A case study of intercultural communication between Quindio Science University and the University of Tokushima over internet

鄭愛軍     (青島理工大学外国語学部)
大橋眞     (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)

(Key words:cross-cultural conversation,Internet,Studying Japanese)
Prospects of the development of a developing-country model of an environmental education program : Perspectives of Tokushima University's 'Cultural Studies with Members from the Local Community'

大橋眞       (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)
光永雅子    (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)
斎藤隆仁    (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)

(Key words:cultural education,developing countries,environmental education)

日本とモンゴルの大学教育改革を考える国際会議「International Conference on Global Trends in Educational Culture」の成果と課題(7MB)

Outcomes of the "International Conference on Global Trends in Educational Culture" : A Discussion between Japan and Mongolia on the Innovation of University Educational Programs

大橋眞,佐藤高則、斎藤隆仁 (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)
光永雅子          (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)

(Key words:Inteunational Confernce,Higher Education, Globalization)

Interactive cross-cultural exchange activities aimed at developing an educational program for sustainable development in a globalizing world

光永雅子          (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)
大橋眞、佐藤高則、斎藤隆仁 (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)


(Key words:globalization,community,educational program)

ライティング・コミュニケーションを通した教師-学生・生徒間の信頼関係を構築する方法 クラス・ジャーナルを用いた大学・中学校での事例紹介(7MB)
Relationships do matter : Enhancing communication and building student-teacher relationships with class journals

Steve T. FUKUDA (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)
藤川夏美      (徳島大学総合科学部)
橋本直実      (徳島市立城西中学校)

(Key words:student-teacher communication,relatedness,class journals,learner-centered techniques)
The contact system between learning support volunteers and the teachers of schools at special needs education - from the position of coordinator of special needs education-

山本真由美    (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)

(Key words:Special needs education,Learning support volunteers,Coordinator of special needs education,Contact system,Table to contact and record)
On the Teaching of Quantum Chemistry in Undergraduate Course : A Teaching Materials Study of Atkins' Physical Chemistry

金崎英二  (徳島大学大学院ソシオテクノサイエンス研究部)

(Key words:Quantum chemistry,undergraduate couse,an attempt of teaching materials study)

Achievements and Problems of Interactive teaching approach : Throughout practice of Hashimoto Method

吉田博,金西計英  (徳島大学大学開放実践センター)


(Key words:Interactive teaching,student-centered teaching,learning time outside the classroom,Hashimoto Method)

A Report on Implementation of a Japanese test in 2010

岸江信介,仙波光明,堤和博  (徳島大学大学院ソシオ・アーツ・アンド・サイエンス研究部)
村田真実,岡部修典,清水勇吉 (徳島大学大学院総合科学教育部)

(Key words:Japanese Ability,Japanese test,Analysis)

Make Them Speak - A Suggested Approach to a Student Centered Communicative English Course

ディルク・ギュンター    (徳島大学全学共通教育センター)

(Key words:English,Higher Education,Communicative Approach,Speaking,Listening)

Database of campus wide Faculty Development programs at The University of Tokushima

曽田紘二      (徳島大学名誉教授)
奈良理恵,川野卓二 (徳島大学大学開放実践センター)


(Key words:campus wide Faculty Development programs,database,FD Library)

An annual report 2010 on campus wide Faculty Development programs at The University of Tokushima



(Key words:New faculty seminars,FD Facilitator training seminars,Individual consultations,Education Conference)

大学教育研究ジャーナル 第8号(2011)表紙・裏表紙(388KB)
大学教育研究ジャーナル 第8号(2011)目次(606KB)
Guidelines for Authors of the Journal of University Education Research(2MB)

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