Establishment of Highly Realistic and Sophisticated Support Environments using Optical and Imaging Technology


For the purpose of achieving easy-to-understand information presentation, this research covers highly realistic 3D displays, advanced information presentation, system technology such as remote collaboration, and device technology using LEDs and liquid crystal. Research is also carried out on visual information processing, optical information security, and 3D information processing, in order to achieve the safe and secure provision of information.

Also, diagnosis and treatment techniques for refractory cancer using high-resolution imaging technology are being researched as advanced support for people. In Japan, the leading cause of death is cancer, and the occurrence of serious damage to health caused by cancer is a large social problem. In order to improve cancer treatment outcomes, it is hoped that early detection/early treatment will be established very soon. Therefore, research and development is being carried out aimed at implementing an ultra early-stage cancer diagnosis/treatment system by pioneering high-resolution imaging technology and creating ultra early-stage cancer diagnosis techniques and minimally-invasive treatment techniques that will lead to improved QOL for cancer patients.

Furthermore, in order to cope with demand for high-speed transmission of this advanced image/video information, bandwidth improvement/acceleration of networks and curbing of electrical power required for routing processing is sought. As research on optical routing, integrated optical circuits and optical systems that identify, as light, destination information represented by light, as well as light-controlled optical switches and optical buffer memory are being studied.


Research topics

  1. Research on Human-Friendly Information EnvironmentsGreen InnovationLife Innovation
    1-1 Outline

    In order to realize human-friendly information environments, this group aims to establish easy-to-understand information presentation technology, as well as technology that allows people to handle this presentation technology safely and securely. For the purpose of achieving easy-to-understand information presentation, this research covers highly realistic 3D displays, advanced information presentation, system technology such as remote collaboration, and device technology using LEDs and liquid crystal. Research is also carried out on visual information processing, optical information security, and 3D information processing, in order to achieve the safe and secure provision of information.


    1-2 Keywords

    3D display, visual information processing,advanced information presentation, liquid crystal element, LED


    1-3 Supervisors

    Shiro Suyama, Hirotsugu Yamamoto


  2. Research on Diagnosis/Treatment Techniques for Refractory Cancer Using High-Resolution Imaging TechnologyLife Innovation
    2-1 Outline

    In Japan, the leading cause of death is cancer. The occurrence of serious damage to health caused by cancer has become a large social problem. In order to improve cancer treatment outcomes, it is hoped that early detection/early treatment will be established very soon. Our group carries out research and development aimed at implementing an ultra early-stage cancer diagnosis/treatment system by pioneering high-resolution imaging technology, creating ultra early-stage cancer diagnosis techniques and minimally-invasive treatment techniques that will lead to improved QOL for cancer patients. The aim of this research and development is to contribute to dramatic improvements in diagnostic accuracy and treatment outcome of refractory cancer and to extend people’s healthy life expectancy.


    2-2 Keywords

    High-resolution imaging technology, image analysis, ultra early-stage cancer diagnosis/treatment techniques


    2-3 Supervisors

    Noboru Niki, Yoshiki Kawata, Hidenobu Suzuki


  3. Research on Enhancement of Optical Networks and Optical DevicesGreen Innovation
    3-1 Outline

    In order to cope with the rapid increase of traffic over the Internet, broadening of bandwidth and improvement of switching speed in the networks and suppression of electrical power consumption required for routing processing are required. As research on optical routing, this group studies integrated optical circuits and optical systems that identify destination information represented by light without converting to electric signals, as well as light-controlled optical switches and optical buffer memory. The research also includes nano/micro optics and photonics.


    3-2 Keywords

    Optical network, optical router, photonic material, photonic device


    3-3 Supervisors

    Nobuo Goto, Shinichiro Yanagiya
