Molecular Oral Physiology

Prof.Yoshimura Hiroshi

Research topics

<Brain science>
1. Signal propagation and integration mechanisms in the neural networks
2. Effects of stress on functional coupling between neocortex and limbic system

<Salivary gland>
1. Trafficking and expression mechanism of aquaporin 5 (AQ5)
2. Immunity in the salivary gland 


Molecular Oral Physiology Professor Yoshimura Hiroshi
Yoshimura Hiroshi
Molecular Oral Physiology

Not only chemical information, such as gustatory and olfactory information, but also somatosensory information from oral region converge orbitofrontal area in the brain. Somatic and autonomic nervous system, including various reflex, control mastication, swallowing and salivation. In addition, these functions and modulated by emotion. Thus, oral physiological functions play an important role for the promotion of health. In our laboratory, we focus attention on neuro- and molecular-physiological mechanism related to oral function.
