Oral Bioscience

Prof.Kudo Yasusei E-mail:yasusei@tokushima-u.ac.jp

Main research theme

  1. Mechanism of cell proliferation and differentiation
  2. Invasion mechanism of cancer cells
  3. Regulation of odontogenic epithelial cell differentiation for tooth regeneration
  4. Functional analysis of microRNAs in salivary glands
  5. Mechanism of cell function and maintenance in pancreatic β-cells
  6. Pathophysiological mechanisms of human inherited metabolic diseases

We aim to develop from innovative and creative basic research to translational research. We are trying to elucidate the pathogenesis of oral diseases from the molecular mechanisms of life phenomena through a multifaceted approach.


Oral Bioscience Professor Kudo Yasusei
Kudo Yasusei
Oral Bioscience

The Department of Oral Bioscience is mainly in charge of teaching Oral Biochemistry and Dental Pharmacology for dental and oral hygienist students. For Ph.D. students, we nurture dental professionals who can carry out creative research and play an active role on the international stage. In our research, we study on the regulation of cell proliferation by ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis and the mechanism of cancer invasion and metastasis through multifaceted approaches. Aiming to expand from creative basic research to translational research, we are trying to clarify the pathogenesis of oral diseases.
